The Wheel of the Year

Embark on a journey through the seasons with our collection of Wheel of the Year wall plaques and jewelry accessories.

Each piece is thoughtfully designed to celebrate the sacred cycle of the year, bringing a touch of magic into your home or personal space. 

Pagan Sabbat Wheel of the Year

The Magic of the Wheel of the Year

The Wheel of the Year is a timeless cycle of nature, a sacred tapestry woven with the changing seasons. It's an opportunity to align oneself with the Earth's rhythms and harness the energy of the Sun's journey. Each Sabbat offers a unique way to connect with the natural world, engage in introspection, and work in magical harmony with the universe's energy.

Samhain (pronounced sow-en); The veil between the worlds thins on this night. We feast with the ancestors, honoring the dead and celebrating the mysteries of darkness. It's a perfect time for divination and shadow work, facing the parts of ourselves we keep hidden.  

Yule; The darkest night gives birth to the returning sun. We gather around the Yule log, a beacon of warmth and light pushing back the shadows. It's a time for setting intentions for the coming year and for spells focused on protection and prosperity.  

Imbolc (pronounced im-bulk); The earth stirs beneath the blanket of snow. We celebrate Brigid, the fire goddess, and the quickening pulse of life returning. It's a time for purification rituals, fertility magic, and brewing protective charms.  

Ostara (pronounced oh-star-ah); Spring bursts forth, day and night balanced under the Equinox sun. We celebrate the earth's awakening, planting seeds for new beginnings. It's a perfect time for fertility spells, love rituals, and manifesting your desires.  

Beltane (pronounced bel-tayn); Fires blaze bright as we celebrate the peak of spring's fertility. We dance with the Fae folk, honoring the wild abundance of the earth. It's a time for love magic and strengthening bonds with loved ones.  

Midsummer; The longest day, bathed in the sun's golden rays. We honor the sun's power at its peak, a time of growth and abundance. It's perfect for spells focused on success, vitality, and banishing negativity.  

Lughnasadh (pronounced loo-na-sa): The first harvest bounty fills our baskets. We give thanks for the earth's generosity, celebrating the fruits of our labor. It's a time for prosperity spells, bread magic, and expressing gratitude.  

Mabon (pronounced may-bon): The day and night reach balance once more, the harvest moon hangs heavy. We celebrate the second harvest and prepare for the coming winter. It's a time for grounding, balance, & banishing rituals, divination and honoring the lessons learned throughout the year.