Bright Blessings Plaque | Pagan Gifts | Wiccan Home Decor | Gift Ideas
Bright Blessings Plaque | Wiccan Gifts | Witch Home Decor
Welcome your guests with this cheerful open-hearted, bright blessing; "May the Goddess bless you with all things bright and beautiful." A...

Blessed Be Necklace
The pentacle is regarded as sacred geometry and a powerful protective symbol for thousands of years. Found within the design of Nature, from the five-petaled apple blossom to the seed configuration...

Cernunnos Plaque
Cernunnos, the Celtic horned god, reigned over the wild things. Depicted with stag antlers and often seated in a cross-legged position, he embodied nature's untamed bounty. In this wall plaque...

Irminsul Plaque
It is known as the "Great Pillar" in old Germanic Paganism or the mythical "Axis Mundi" - the world's center, connection between heaven and earth, where the four compass points meet. In ancient...

Cerridwen Plaque
Cerridwen, a Celtic Goddess, was known for creating a magical brew that was stirred for a year and a day to produce the "Three Drops of Inspiration." These were stolen by a young boy who grew up to...

Morrigan Plaque
Morrigan, translated as "Phantom Queen," is an awesome Battle Goddess. Here she is depicted in one of her stories thru the eyes of Cuchulain, who is roused from sleep hearing a great cry and leaps up...

Brigid Plaque
Brigid, one of the most popular Celtic Goddesses is a vast deity and can assist her devotees with nearly any endeavor. She is depicted here as the three sisters or three of the many aspects of this...

Habondia Plaque
The Anglo-Saxon Goddess of Abundance and Prosperity, Habondia is descended from a Germanic Goddess of the Earth. She ensured the abundance of crops and herds for her devotees. Her name is written in...

Cuchulain Plaque
Cuchulain was an ancient warrior of the Red Branch in Ulster, Ireland. He was trained by the woman warrior Scathach. His original name was Setanta. He changed it to Cuchulain which means "hound of...